SetaPDF Installation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The main files of all SetaPDF components are located in the folder "library/SetaPDF/". The SetaPDF components come with an own autoload function which will register itself in the spl provided __autoload stack by simply requiring the Autoload.php file: require_once('path/to/library/SetaPDF/Autoload.php'); After that you can use all classes without requiring any file manually. For sure you also can register the classes in your own PSR-0 autoload implementation: $autoload->registerPsr0('SetaPDF_', 'path/to/library/'); The documentation and demos folders are not needed for productive usage. FOR EVALUATION VERSIONS ONLY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ An evaluation package is encoded with Ioncube. This requires a loader to be installed on your server. An evaluation version is separated into two parts: The PHP files and a license file. License files are named .htSetaPDF-.icl NOTICE THE DOT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FILENAME! SOME SYSTEMS (e.g. MAC) AUTOMATICALLY HIDE SUCH FILES! The needed loaders and installation instruction for the Ioncube Loader are available at: We reccomend to use the "Loader Wizard" for installation (see instructions on the top of the page). After the installation of the Ioncube Loader, place the license file into the root folder "library/SetaPDF/" or an upper folder and follow the default installation instructions.